About the group:
We are a group of like-minded developers who meetup on regular basis to present and discuss technology and development ideas/problems.
The group is run on a fairly informal basis where members pay an annual subscription and attend as many of the monthly meetings as they can. We try and encourage all members to
contribute where they can doing sessions of topics they think the other members may find interesting, this can range from work case-studies to new tools used.
We have a mixture of members ranging from self-employed contractors to those in full time employment.
We are regularly approach by companies who wish to find developers and we do offer up opportunities to our members, we do not do a hard sell at the meetings due to the
fact that some memberships are paid for by companies and they would not want their employees to be poached.
The group also has a close relationship with Embarcadero and representatives from the company regularly join our meetings.
Cost of membership: £150 annual subscription – monthly meetings included
If you have attended a meeting and decide you would like to become a full group member, in order for an invoice to be raised please contact us with the following information;
- Full Company Name
- Full Company Address
- Contact email address for accounts (if different from the one we have for you)
- Any PO reference numbers or other references you would like to appear on the invoice.
Meetings are held monthly (except August & December) in London that run from 12-5pm and then some people stay for a drink afterwards.
At each meeting there will be a range of sessions given by Developer/IT professionals, slide and demos are available from the website after the meeting.