Adam’s September 2017 Meeting Feedback
2 good, long sessions, the usual news plus a bit of future thinking.
Brian took us to keyboard short-cuts we might never have imagined could exist. If you didn’t come to the session you will probably never know what [ctrl] + [alt] + [shift] P does, or [ctrl] + K + T … keyboard shortcuts led on to a session on writing code-templates for Delphi, including how to add variable declarations and use IDE features for intelligent find and replace …
Then showed how to use breakpoints for logging / debugging, and how to redirect OutputDebugString messages to a custom output such as a text file, again for logging in problem-solving contexts.
Patrick gave a great joined up session, starting with ElasticSearch, an amazing JSON-based file-storage system with incredible, intelligent search-ability. He went on to show how a Delphi app could emit and consume JSON, so it could work with ElasticSearch.
He rounded off showing THTPanel and THTEditor, components from, professional components which allow editings, parsing and display of complex HTML documents in Delphi Applications.
The meeting ended with a short discussion about possible options for the future.
Next meeting … October.
“Adam Brett – longtime BUG member”